After an initial introduction in our previous posts of - respectively - Mary-Margaret and the presence called Bartholomew, it seems appropriate to identify and give credit to the small group of individuals who worked with and helped Mary-Margaret Moore convey the wisdom of Bartholomew over 17 years. All the more so since their voices are heard in recurring fashion on many of the tapes. They appear below in chronological order.
The first one is Dr. John Aiken, identified by Mary-Margaret as the individual who, while trying to help her when she was suffering from severe back pain with hypnosis, unwittingly opened a door through which Bartholomew manifested himself for the first time (as explained by Mary-Margaret herself in the introductory video mentioned previously - available here). While she was somewhat hesitant, Dr. Aiken was quick to realize the extraordinary opportunity that was offered to both of them to receive answers to fundamental and eternal questions. For many years afterwards, Dr. Aiken and his wife Dr. Louisa Aiken presided over many a session during which Bartholomew answered their probing questions. Dr. Aiken also took the time to transcribe a large number of the sessions that were to follow.
In close second position comes Justin Moore, Mary-Margaret’s husband and companion of many years, present in many sessions as well, sometimes with Dr. Aiken, and after a while on his own. He also accompanied Mary-Margaret on practically all the trips they went on, literally all over the world (see map below)
Mary-Margaret Moore / Bartholomew trips, workshops and seminars
And then we have Mary-Margaret’s indispensable right-hand person and close friend, Joy Franklin, who took care of all the organizational details, including domestic and international workshops and travel arrangements at home and abroad. Joy also headed the Bartholomew imprint, High Mesa Press, which published the five books that exist today that share some of the material conveyed by Bartholomew. She and Mary-Margaret spent many hours culling and transcribing choice selections from the tapes to turn into these books.
The last of the five books (“Journeys With a Brother: Japan to India”) was a more personal account of the extraordinary trip a small group of people were lucky enough to take with Mary-Margaret and Joy to Japan and India where, remarkably, they met with the Dalai Lama.
Speaking of transcripts, credit must also be given to a hard-working and dedicated friend from the early days, Phyllis Johnson, who spent countless hours transcribing many more sessions given by Bartholomew when Dr. Aiken stopped doing so. It is all the more remarkable when we remember that in those days there were no automated transcription services available over the Internet as we have today, meaning that everything had to be listened to carefully and typed on sheets of paper. A painstaking task if there ever was one.
We owe this wondeful team plenty of gratitude since it is thanks to their steadfast efforts and hard work that this vast source of wisdom is now available for many more people all over the world to enjoy and benefit from.
Thank you to everyone who kept this wisdom alive for the next wave...
Lovely read, thanks JJ